Homework - Spring 1
Year 1 and 2 Homework: Please see the homework expectations below:
Please hear your child read regularly, ideally every day and sign their reading records. The children will be assigned 2 reading books each week: One colour-banded book and a free choice (Library or Trolley book) and one e-book.
In addition to the printed reading books your child receives, your child will also be set one Phonics Bug eBook (electronic book) per week. This will consolidate the learning that has taken place in their phonics lessons. This book will also contain sounds and tricky words that the children have learnt the previous week and will provide an opportunity for your child to practise and apply their learning. Your child has an individual login to access their eBooks on Phonics Bug. You will find the login details at the front of child’s reading record.
We would encourage you to write in your child’s reading record and make note of the books they have read and any comments about their reading.
Please can we kindly ask that your child’s reading book and record are in school every day. Please note that your child’s reading book will be changed every Thursday.
Year 1 Numbots - Children are expected to use their Numbots account to practice key knowledge and skills each week.
The website includes interactive fluency and recall games which support key number concepts. The programme is designed to tailor learning to your child's needs. Your child's username and password is stuck in the front of their reading record. Please follow this link for access: https://play.numbots.com/#/account/school-login/42136
Year 2 CGP Maths books - will be set weekly homework using their individual CGP Maths book. Please see the weekly set homework:
Week 2 - Page 11
Week 3 - Page 12
Week 4 - Page 13
Week 5 - Page 14
Week 6 - Page 15
We encourage Parents/Carers to mark this work together at home . Teachers collect in CPG books at the end of each half-term. Please get in touch if you need any help.
Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation Books (SPAG)
Year 1 and 2 will be set weekly homework using their individual CGP SPAG book. Please see the weekly set homework:
We encourage you to mark this work together at home and teachers will check and collect in at the end of each half-term. Please get in touch if you need any help.
Year 1
Week 2 - Page 14
Week 3 - Page 15
Week 4 - Page 16 and 17
Week 5 - Page 18
Week 6 - Page 19
Year 2
Week 3 - Page 9
Week 4 - Page 10
Week 5 - Page 11
Week 6 - Page 12
Week 7 - Page 13
Please see the 'Common Exception Words Year 1 and 2' document below which outlines the words children should be able to spell and read by the end of KS1. As part of our curriculum, these are taught through our English lessons in school. These are optional to practice at home if you wish to do so.