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29.01.2019 Years 1 & 2 Disco Letter

Round Hill Parent Teacher Association

Round Hill School

Foster Avenue





Round Hill School Disco Years 1/2 13th February 2019



Dear Parents/Carers


The RHA are pleased to let you know that we are putting on a school disco for the children.


The year 1/2 disco will be on Wednesday 13th February between 3.45pm and 4.30pm and the cost for the disco will be £2.00. The price of the disco will include a bag of crisps and some juice/water.


If your child is attending the disco then you will need to return the slip below to the class teacher along with the £2.00 prior to the disco. Please can you return by Friday 8th February.


The children will then have time to get changed in the classroom after school has finished and will be taken down to the disco by the teacher.


You will need to collect your child at 4.30 when the disco finishes.


We also need to let you know that ALL children must be collected by an adult and no child will be allowed to walk home by themselves. Please indicate on the return slip if they will go to roundabout after the disco.


We look forward to seeing all the children at the disco.



    Yours faithfully,



Round Hill Parent Teacher Association


Return slip - please return to your child’s class teacher along with £2.00 by Friday 8th February


    Name of Child ____________________________________     Class _______________________



Is your child going to Roundabout?     Yes       No    Who will collect your child? _________________



Signed by parent/carer_________________________________   Date _____________________





Registered Charity Number 1048379