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11.02.2019 KS1 Reading Days Letter

February 2019


Dear Parent/Carer


KS1 Story Time - Parent Reading Days


After the success of the previous Parent Reading Days, the Key Stage 1 team is pleased to inform you that we will be hosting two more Parent Reading Days on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March. We will be inviting parents into the Key Stage 1 classrooms to read and share their favourite stories in their child’s class. This shared reading experience will be a fantastic opportunity to inspire the children to read and to help develop their listening skills and imagination. Parents are free to choose what book they would like to read, however, please ensure that it is appropriate for the age of the children.


There will be four 15 minute reading slots per day and the session times are as follows:


9:15am-9:30am and 9:30am-9:45am

3.00pm-3.15pm and 3.15pm-3.30pm


If you are interested in reading to your child’s class, then please fill out the reply slip below and return to your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. All parents will then be notified as to whether they will be reading and if so, on which day/time.


We look forward to hearing your stories!


Kind regards

The Key Stage 1 Team


KS1 Story Time - Parent Reading Days


I (name) _________________________ parent of _______________________ would like to read


to the ________________  class on Tuesday 12th / Wednesday 13th March (delete as appropriate).


Please circle your preferred reading time:


9:15am-9:30am                                                 3.00pm-3.15pm

9:30am-9.45am                                                 3.15pm-3.30pm


Signed ____________________________  Date_____________________