26.02.2019 KS1 Brackenhurst Letter
February 2019
Dear Parents/Carers
KS1 Brackenhurst Environmental Education Trip
To enhance the children’s topic about exploring and explorers, Key Stage 1 will be visiting Brackenhurst Outdoor Education Centre to take part in a range of exciting activities including den building and orienteering. The activities will be led by outdoor education specialists and will provide the children with an opportunity to use and read simple maps, work in teams and use natural resources to build a successful shelter.
These visits will be taking place on Monday 1st April and Tuesday 2nd April. The KS1 classes will be divided into two groups and will attend the trip on the following days:
Monday 1st April: Badgers Class, Otters Class and half of Foxes Class.
Tuesday 2nd April: Rabbits Class, Hedgehogs Class and half of Foxes Class.
Your child will need to arrive at school at 8.50am to leave promptly at 9.15am. The children will arrive back in time to be collected as normal at 3.30pm. All children will be required to wear suitable clothing for the outdoor activities e.g. trousers, boots or trainers, school jumper and a waterproof coat. They will also require a backpack to carry their packed lunch and water bottle.
Your child will require a packed lunch for the day which can be provided by school as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme or alternatively you can provide your own. Please detail below if your child will require a school packed lunch.
The cost of the trip will be £11.00 per child. Although this is a voluntary contribution, please be aware that if there are insufficient funds received, then the trip may have to be cancelled. The cost of the trip covers the activities led by the outdoor education specialists and the transport to and from Brackenhurst Education Centre. Please pay for this using your sQuid account which can be accessed at portal.squidcard.com
If there is an issue with payment, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or the Office. Please complete the form below, make the payment and return the form to your child’s class teacher by Friday 8th March.
Kind regards
The KS1 Team
KS1 Brackenhurst Environmental Education Trip
I consent to my child (name) ______________________ in class _________________ attending the KS1 Brackenhurst school trip.
I have paid £11.00 to my sQuid account
My child will require a school packed lunch Vegetarian
Any other dietary requirements__________________________________________________________________
I will provide a packed lunch for my child
Signed ___________________________ Date_____________