Week Beginning 13th July
Please see planning document below.
If you are in school for 2 days, please ONLY complete the Maths activities marked HOME. If you are not attending school at all, have a go at all the activities below.
SCHOOL – Look at the Step by Step instructions for spirolaterals. If you don’t have any squared paper, measure out each line with centimetres instead of squares.
SCHOOL – Look at the Investigating patterns sheet below and experiment with all the amazing patterns you can make starting with your times tables.
HOME - Last week we were looking at lines, and this week we are seeing how these lines can come together to make shapes. For this first lesson, you are going ot be describing 2D shapes. You will need your knowledge of angles and lines. Read through the information and answer the questions.
HOME - Today you are going to be drawing your own 2D shapes. For the activity, it says you need square paper, but if you are careful and use a ruler, you can use plain paper. Read through the information, try the activity and answer the questions.
HOME - Today we are looking at 3D shapes! You will need to use your imagination to work out how to make 3D shapes from what we call nets. Read through the information and match up the shapes to their nets.
Topic - Home
For topic we would like you to go to Purple Mash to complete some work on 'Summer' and also an 'When I Grow Up' activity. You can find these activities on your '2dos'.