Newsletter 13 – 10th February 2016
Newsletter 13 – 10th February 2016
Sainsbury's Active Vouchers
It's that time of year again! Please could you start collecting your Sainsbury's Active Kids Vouchers and bringing them into school. We really do benefit a great deal from this scheme, through the provision of equipment for playtimes, PE lessons and extra-curricular clubs. The box for the vouchers will be in reception or you can give them to your child's class teacher. Thank you!
British Science Week 2016
Calling all scientists, technicians and engineers...we need your help. It would be great if you could come in and share your expertise with pupils and staff during our Science Day on Friday 18th March as part of British Science Week.
This year’s theme is Space for Science: Science for Spaces, and is all about the different spaces where science can be found and done. We’re focusing on five different types of space:
- open space,
- outer space,
- digital space,
- built space, and
- personal space - ROUNDHILL SPACE!
If you feel that you would like be involved in our British Science Day please contact Jane Reed (Birds Class) or Alex Barto-Smith (Nightingales Class) so that we can start to organise some fun scientific investigations for the children to do with you.
Last year we were lucky enough to have Dr Lee and Dr Liliana Empringham from the Faculty of Engineering at Nottingham University who came and shared an amazing robot with pupils during a whole school assembly to launch British Science Week. If you would like to come and show the pupils your latest invention/creation linked to this year’s theme during our whole school assembly on Tuesday 15th March please let us know.
Further information about British Science Week can be found at
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yr 6 SATs meeting for Parents/Carers
Year 6 parents/carers are invited to a meeting on Thursday 10 March at 5.30 p.m. Teachers will talk about the End of Key Stage SATs and give details about what will happen during the week commencing 9th May.
indoor rowing competition
On Wednesday 3rd February, Round Hill entered its first indoor rowing competition at George Spencer Academy. The school took one boy and one girl from each year in Key Stage 2. The team represented the school fantastically well achieving 3rd place against some fierce competition! Well done to everyone on the rowing team.
Attendance at Round Hill is definitely one of our strengths and we are in the top percentile nationally for our attendance figures, however we have noticed that we do have a small number of children who are persistently absent.
In order for your children to take advantage of all the opportunities that Round Hill has to offer both academically and otherwise, it is important that your child attends as regularly as possible.
Please help us to achieve this by only keeping your child at home if they really are too ill to attend and not booking holidays during term time which will be recorded as unauthorised.
We have always had ‘graduated response’ with regard to attendance, but you will notice that if your child’s attendance now drops below 90% you will receive a text notifying you of this every week until it rises above 90% again to ensure that you are aware it has dipped below this level. If your child’s attendance drops below 85% you will be asked to attend a meeting at school to discuss the reasons for the absence and ways in which we can support your child’s attendance and discuss any specific issues.
You need to be aware that we may have to consider further measures such as a referral to targeted support or fines may have to be issued to families who take their children out of school where attendance has already fallen below a certain level.
reminder - Applications for Leave of Absence
This has been in the news again recently and you may be aware that the Government made amendments to the Education Regulations 2006 in September 2013, promoting good attendance and reducing absences, including persistent absences. It states that head teachers are not allowed to grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances”.
Please read the following information on the school website first before considering taking your child out of school. Click here.
If you have any questions about the above information then please call into school, we will be happy to speak to parents to discuss individual circumstances.
rha - school discos
Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation of the rha discos last week. The children had a great time.
Year 3/4's Roald Dahl work
We are very pleased to announce that Year 3/4's work on their topic, Roald Dahl, is on display in the Beeston Library until a week after half term.
Update - Parents’ forum
Thank you to everyone who came along to the meetings.
We discussed several things including:
What parents wanted to see at the Year 5/6 Mixed Aged Classes presentation around Eater time. We received feedback about the new website and general communications including new school planners for 2016/17. We talked about clubs in school and how we can make these more accessible and the teaching of times tables.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 10th May at 2.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. it would be lovely to see you there.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Book Fair. It was a great success and we raised £716. We have been able to purchase lots of new books for Round Hill. Coming to a classroom near you soon!
Miss Gina Bore - Literacy Leader
Up-To-Date Contact Details
It is very important that you ensure the information held on your child is correct in case we need to contact you in an emergency. May I remind you it is your responsibility to provide up to date contact details and if your circumstances change during the course of the year then please let us know immediately
reading books in school- DONATIONS
If you have any reading books at home that you no longer need please consider donating them to school. Please box them up and pass them on to the school office. Miss Bore will look through them and add them to the bookshelves. Any that are not suitable will donated to the various charity shops in and around Beeston.
Further to the item that appeared in Newsletter 12…This is a great website. It gives tips on 'reading to children' and has lists of recommended books to read at different ages as well as much more.
The Literacy Trust website has a great section for Parents and Families.
Half Term – school closed
School closes Friday 12th February and reopens on Monday 22nd February.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Nash
community News
Thank you to everyone who attend & helped out at the discos last week, we raised £95 to add to the RHA funds for the benefit of children at Round Hill.
RHA Shop
The RHA shop is run on a Monday after school in the reception area, book & school bags etc are available as well as good quality pre-loved school uniform, we are looking for additional donations of all uniform items and waterproof clothing for wet play & wild area sessions, if anyone can help. Please leave donations with the school office.
Want to know more about what the RHA do?
You can come along to any of our meetings, everyone really is welcome.
Our next meetings are Wednesday 3rd March, 2pm, Costa Coffee & Monday 7th March, 8pm, The Star Inn, if you are unable to make the meetings you can still keep up to date by joining the meeting minutes email list (please email or join our facebook page.
Quiz Night - Friday 18th March 19:30-23:00
Please come and support the next RHA event, our annual quiz night with live music from the fantastic Middle 6 & a £50 cash prize for the winning team.
Advanced tickets available in the playgrounds after 1/2 term, £3 per person (£4 on the door).
Max. 6 people per team.
A bar will be provided with alcoholic & soft drinks available as well as snacks.