Newsletter 20 - 8th June - Online Version
Newsletter 20– 3rd June 2016
Welcome Back
A warm welcome back to the last half term of the school year, it promises to be action packed and full of exciting opportunities for your children. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us and we can fit everything in that we have planned.
If your child will be fasting during Ramadan we would like to work with you to make sure we look after their welfare in the best way we can. As Ramadan begins shortly we would appreciate it if you could let us know your child will be fasting and if there is anything we can do to help support you and your child. Click here to see the LA guidance.
Year 2 SATs
Do you have a child in year 2? If the answer is yes, they will have taken the national curriculum tests, also known as SATs, in May. Your child’s teacher will use the results of these tests to help them judge how well they are progressing, but they won’t be using the test results alone. Instead, they’ll be thinking about what they’ve seen over the whole of years 1 and 2 so they can get a full, accurate picture of how well your child is doing. We will send you a report on their progress by the end of the summer term. For more information on the 2016 national curriculum test results at the end of key stage 1 - Click here
Items in Newsletter 20
Community News
Football Team News
On Thursday April 21st Mr Abdy took the football team to Bramcote Hills to take part in the annual South Broxtowe tournament. The team were placed in a tough group and played really well, only losing one of their group matches. Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to take them through to the semi-finals but they represented school brilliantly and had a great afternoon of sport. Well done!
Reminder - SPORTS Day CHANGE of times
Advance notice that the times of KS2 sports day have changed. The website has been updated to show that:
Year 5/6 sports day is now on the morning and Year 3/4 on the afternoon of 16th June. Note: the reserve dates/times for sports days are the same. See newsletter 19 for details
Reminder - England v Wales Football Match
Some Year 6 children are organising a mini enterprise event in support of their Pound Project. Key Stage 2 children, who wish to, will be allowed to watch the England v Wales match on Thursday 16th June which kicks off at 2.00 p.m. Please note that Year 3/4 can come and join us after their sports day if they wish. Children involved will need picking up later than normal at 3.50 p.m. If your child is interested they need to collect a letter from their class teacher and return it to school By Wednesday 15thJune.
School Calendar - Diary Dates
Click here to view the school calendar.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Nash
Community News
RHA News
Things are in full flow for the Summer Fair, this year we are raising money towards replacing the small trim trail in the large playground, so if you are able to help in any way please let us know. We really do appreciate your support and without you volunteering your time these events are not possible. Volunteer boards will be in the playgrounds tomorrow.
The raffle boxes are now in classrooms; please send any donations by Thursday 16th June.
Each class has been given a different country to go with our Olympic theme for the fair, they are;
Bugs – Poland
Bears – China
Birds – Netherlands
Foxes – Italy
Badgers – USA
Rabbits – France
Otters – Belgium
Hedgehogs – Jamaica
Herons – Great Britain
Robins – Spain
Nightingales – Brazil
Puffins – Mexico
5A – Germany
5S - Australia
6B – Canada
6Y – Greece
There is also a box for tombola & the Adopt a toy stall donations in reception.
RHA Diary Dates
Saturday 25th June – Summer Fair
Friday 15th July - End of Year Bash
Our next meetingS are:
Wednesday 15th June, 2:15, Costa Coffee.
Monday 20th June, 8pm at school. (Please note change of venue).
Please join us and help make forthcoming events a success, everyone welcome.
RHA Committee
RHA Diary Dates
Saturday 25th June – Summer Fair
Friday 15th July - End of Year Bash
Sessions for primary aged children - starting at 6,30pm on Mondays.