Parents' Forum Blog 05.12.24

Autumn Term 2024 - Parents' Forum Summary
Thank you to all the parents who attended the meeting on Thursday, 5th December 2024. Parents were invited to share their thoughts on a variety of topics.
We began by discussing the new access arrangements for KS1 classrooms. Parents expressed positive feedback, noting that it allowed for brief, informal discussions with staff and helped children feel settled. We explored the idea of making this arrangement optional in the spring or summer terms and whether it might be beneficial to apply the same approach to all pupils.
Next, we had an in-depth conversation about the pros and cons of mixed-age classes. Mr. Nash provided some background on why the school has adopted this model and why there is now consideration of a change. Parents shared their views on the possibility of implementing a mix of single-age and mixed-age classes. While some saw value in this approach, many felt that the current system was more equitable.
The discussion then shifted to e-safety and what further support the school could offer. Parents expressed appreciation for the guidance provided on making informed choices about smartphones. Mr. Nash highlighted the reduction in online incidents at school and noted that, although challenging to measure precisely, older pupils (who are more likely to own smartphones) have adapted well to the new rules, seem happier, and no longer feel they are missing out. A pupil survey could help further assess this.
We plan to hold another Parents' Forum in the Spring/Summer Term 2025.