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Week Beginning 23rd March

Maths Daily Tasks:

My Maths

Taking away

Blast off - counting on and back

Shape patterns

English Daily Tasks:

Pencil control and handwriting activities can be found below. There is also a high frequency word mat which children can use to help them practise their spellings. Also, see the attachments below for this week's English daily tasks. 

Reading Daily Tasks:

Please read with your child on a daily basis and ask them lots of questions about the events, characters or facts. 


There are also some fantastic games on PhonicsPlay which support the development of your child's reading skills. In response to the ongoing situation, the website has decided to make the games free to use. To access all of the resources, please use the login below:

Username: march20

Password: home

To support the teaching of phonics at home, please visit the website below. This website has lots of great videos which explains a little bit more about phonics and how phonics is taught. If you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.

Topic Weekly Activity

1) In our topic lessons, we began to learn about 'bridges'. In one of the attachments below, you will find a PowerPoint presentation about 'Bridges Around the World'. It would be fantastic if you could research facts about bridges in our local area or a famous bridge in the United Kingdom. You can share what you have learnt on Class Dojo. 

2) Would you like to become a builder or an engineer? Well, we have a challenge for you! Can you build a bridge strong enough to carry a toy car? Use the PDF 'Build a Bridge' document to help you with the planning and designing of your bridge. We can't wait to see what you have made!

3) We also have some topic-related tasks in the 'To Do List' on Purple Mash.