Week Beginning 30th March
Please choose one task from each subject per day. We would love to see what tasks your child has chosen to do at home, so please send these to your child's class teacher via Class Dojo.
Maths Daily Tasks:
1) At the beginning of our maths lessons, the children usually complete a 'Fluent in Five' task. This task consist of five questions which help to develop the children's mental arithmetic skills. In the PowerPoint attached below, there is a 'Fluent in Five' task for every day this week. It would be great if you could write down the answers on a piece of paper or on an IPad and send them to your portfolio. Good luck!
2) MyMaths
3) Times Table Rock Stars and Hit the Button
4) There are some mixed word problem questions in the 'Year 2 Word Problems' sheet attached below. Please encourage your child to read the questions carefully and show their working out. The children can share their answers on their Class Dojo portfolio.
5) Recognising and Finding Half Activity
Please download the Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 document and have a go at answering some of the questions about fractions. Good luck!
English Daily Tasks:
Handwriting and high frequency word spellings can be found below. Also, see the attachments below for this week's English daily tasks.
Reading Daily Tasks:
Please read with your child on a daily basis and ask them lots of questions about the events, characters or facts.
It would be fantastic if your child could complete the reading comprehension called 'A Monster Surprise' (see attached).
Topic Weekly Activities:
This week in topic we are going to be learning all about narrow boats and canals. Did you know the first narrow boat was used to transport goods before cars and trains were even invented? Enjoy watching this week’s video and finding out more amazing new facts.
1.) In the attachment below you will find a PowerPoint presentation about narrow boats and canals. It would be fantastic if you could click the link below and watch the video of William Whiskerson, as he heads off on a learning journey along the Worcester canal.
2.) Can you make a fact sheet about narrow boats and the types of activities you can enjoy on these trips and breaks away? You can share all of your new learning and activities on your Class Dojo.
3.) Design your own narrow boat and include some of the beautiful folk art found on narrow boats. Use the photos from the PowerPoint to help you.
4.) Can you follow the instructions, using the attachment below to make your very own origami boat? Make a second one, and before you start folding, colour in both sides of the paper using a wax crayon…. When finished, pop them both in some water… what did you find out?
5.) Lego challenge… can you build a narrow boat that can float?
Don’t forget to sign into Purple Mash and have a go at this week’s activities where we have included some extra phonics and spelling and grammar challenges.
Coding, ICT:
This week we have added a new coding activity on purple mash for the children to explore. Make sure you watch the tutorial videos to help with each of the tasks. Enjoy!