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Week Beginning 23rd March

Maths Tasks:

Look at the ‘Recognising hundredths’ powerpoint below then complete the following activities during the week. Refer back to the powerpoint if you need to recap what you have learnt.

1./ Decimal and fraction matching cards.

Cut out the cards and match the decimal and fraction equivalents. If you don’t have a printer, write out the matching pairs!

2./ Hundredths activity sheet.

Use the pictures to help you to write out the fraction and decimal shown.

3./ My Maths YR4 – Tenths and hundredths   


English Tasks:

Please read for 20 minutes DAILY and sign your planner

Choose an activity to complete each day.

1. Short burst write: 

Use the picture below to inspire your writing. What can you see? Who do you think lives there? Where does the river go? Why are there so many archways and walkways?

2. Read the travel brochure for Londinium (attached below) and think about what makes it effective. How is it set out? Can you spot any features we have seen before ? Does it make you want to visit Londinium? Why? Talk to parents / carers / brothers / sisters or make notes about it and send a photo to us on class dojo!

3. Create your own Roman town. Draw a map and label it. 

4. Plan a travel brochure to advertise your Roman town. Make sure to include things you can do in the town, what to eat in the town, and how to get to the town. Don't forget subheadings and bullet points.

5. Use your plan to make a travel brochure and send us a photo on class dojo. Can you make us want to visit your town?


SPAG weekly tasks

Look at the Year 3 / 4 spelling list in your planner. Choose 5 words that you don't know and practise writing them in a sentence.


Topic and Science weekly tasks

Have a look at the Roman Gods information and have a go at the activities.

Log on to Purple Mash and complete the Solids, Liquids and Gases activity set in your 2Dos.