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Information is sent to parents outlining the term’s work, including work to be shared at home.

Foundation Stage

  • Each child is given a starting school pack, which includes ‘Reading at Round Hill’. The parents attend a formal meeting before the children start, where all this information is shared
  • Reading books and reading diaries for full time children are taken home nightly and communication between teacher and parent is encouraged

Key Stage 1

  • Reading books and reading diaries go home nightly.
  • Some words for spelling are taken home weekly. Parents can practise these with the children to support them (yr2).
  • Pupils are encouraged to bring items of relevance to projects they may be covering and discuss them.
  • There are opportunities to share home experiences. 

Year 3

  • Reading books and reading diaries go home nightly.
  • Spellings are taken home weekly.
  • Maths activities to consolidate learning in class are taken home regularly.
  • Children are expected to know 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables by the end of Year 3.

Year 4 children

  • Reading books and reading diaries go home nightly.
  • Spellings and spelling rules are taken home weekly.
  • Maths work is taken home weekly to extend, practise and reinforce concepts learnt in class.
  • Children are expected to have learnt their tables independently, most will by the end of year 4.

Year 5 and 6 children

Homework is set on a Friday and expected in on a Wednesday.  It will be in the form of 'Brain Builders', which have a literacy focus, maths focus and one other area of the curriculum.  In addition there may also be a 'Personal Project' set, which will be ongoing for a number of weeks.