Week Beginning 6th July
Please choose one task from each subject per day. We would love to see what tasks your child has chosen to do at home, so please send these to your child's class teacher via Class Dojo.
There are also some fantastic daily lessons and activities on BBC Bitesize for all ages and subjects.
Maths Activities
This week, the Year 2 children will be learning to recall and use division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, including recognising odd and even numbers. They will be learning to understand that unlike multiplication, division cannot be done in any order and they will also be learning to use the division symbol (÷) and equals (=) sign. In addition to this, the children will be solving word problems by sharing, making equal groups and using mental methods.
Parent Support: There is some additional information and support for parents on Oxford Owl.
Pupil Support: Before starting this week's learning, it would be great if your child could watch the division video on BBC Bitesize.
All week: Mental Arithmetic Activities- Fluent in Five, Mental Arithmetic Quiz and Hit the Button
Lesson 1: Complete the 'Sharing' MyMaths activity.
Lesson 2: You have two activities to complete:
1) Complete the colour by number division worksheet.
2) How many division facts can you calculate in 2 minutes? Complete the division grid to find out. Repeat the activity and see if you can challenge yourself to solve even more calculations. What is your top score? Let your teacher know on Class Dojo!
Lesson 3: Begin by going through the 'Equal Groups' teaching slides and then complete the linked worksheet activity.
Lesson 4: Complete the division word problems- don't forget to show your working out!
Lesson 5: Complete the division reasoning and problem solving activities.
*Extra Challenge: Complete the additional division reasoning and problem solving tasks. Good luck!*
English Daily Tasks:
Please see the attachments below for this week's English daily tasks. We have also included a reading comprehension and a common exception word mat for you to use to practise your spellings. You will also find some phonics activities to complete on Purple Mash.
Reading Daily Tasks:
Please read with your child on a daily basis and ask them lots of questions about the events, characters or facts. There is a sheet with some ideas for questions to ask below.
This week we will begin an Art project all about our earth and nature. We will be looking at mixing colours, work by Kandinski, and linking art to the world around us. Below you will find this weeks Power Point with a variation of activities. You will also find many tasks set on Purple Mash. Enjoy and don't forget to share your activities on Class Dojo!