Homework to be submitted on 28/09/20
Dear Year 6 pupils,
Your homework will be given out every Wednesday. It should be handed in by the following Monday at the latest.
Your homework should be completed in your Homework book, however your Homework book should not be brought into school.
Instead, please send a photo of your work to your teacher using your Class Dojo Portfolio.
Your homework should be sent as one portfolio post. You can add multiple photos to one post (ask your teacher if you are not sure how to do this.
Spellings: | Please practise your spellings daily. Your task this week is to write a super sentence for each one of your spelling words. |
Reading: | You should be reading every night and recording this in your reading planner. Don't forget to get your parent/carer to sign your planner. |
Topic: | Research the artist Hokusai and create a fact file containing at least five interesting facts about him. |
Maths: | Please log into Times Table Rockstars and play at least four games. Your logins are stuck in your planners. |
We can't wait to see your fantastic homework on your Dojo Portfolios.
The Year 5/6 Teachers