Newsletter 18 - 6th May 2016
As you will no doubt have heard already if you have a child in primary school in year 2 or year 6, they will be taking the national curriculum tests (SATs) in May 2016. The tests will provide information about how your child is progressing, compared to children the same age nationally.
I have been asked to share the. leaflet and video with parents - The leaflet has been updated to remove the requirement in 2016 to administer the KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling test.
2016 national curriculum tests for KS1 and KS2: information for parents
This was a fantastic event and one which was enjoyed by children and adults. We raised just over £200 in total and this went to the charities "Save the Children" and "The World Wildlife Fund", which were charities suggested and chosen by the children from each class.
The children 'slaved' away creating their own pinch pots, making badges based on the class standard, building the strongest Roman columns, and engaging in battle formations. There was an almighty battle of the classes on the field which was fought great enough for Julius Caesar - true gladiators. It was as if they were in the arena - we expected the lions to gallop in too. The outfits were in true keeping of emperors and queens; I am sure there was a sighting of Boudica herself. The battle was bravely fought in the Round Hill Amphitheatre, and the roars could surely be heard throughout Beeston. What an exhausting, but worthy, day!
My asthma is part of me
Although it is nothing you can see
There is never a day
When I can’t sit, run or play
Like most other kids
Without getting a pain in my ribs
It’s hard not easy
To always be wheezy
I can’t get enough air
Like being squeezed by a bear
I would get paler and paler
Unless I have my inhaler
If my breathing isn’t right
My mum sits by me at night
I have 3 pills I swallow every day
And 3 inhalers to make me ok
You might not always see
But asthma is part of me.
Written by Isla in Year 6
On Thursday 21st April our school netball team entered a tournament for primary schools. It took place at Bramcote Hills School where we went up against some great locals teams such as Wadsworth, Bramcote Cof E, Bramcote Hills, Albany and John Clifford.
Firstly, I’d like to congratulate the whole team for being so enthusiastic during matches and all the effort and team work they put in during the games. Thanks to this we won all of our matches reaching the semi-finals with score lines such as: 0-11, 4-7 and 0-9. Unfortunately in the semi-final against Bramcote CofE we drew 2-2 which meant we had to play to sudden death when we were sadly beaten.
Following this we battled for third place against Bramcote Hills. Once again we had to play to sudden death which after a very exciting match we won by scoring the first goal and securing the bronze medal.
Thank you to all the staff and parents who helped out and supported us, especially Mrs Abasspour, Mrs Nassau and not to forget Mr Abdy who although was there with the football team played a massive part in cheering us on!
The summer term Parents’ Forum will be held on Tuesday 10th May at 2.00 p.m. and again at 6.00 p.m. One of the items on the agenda will be to evaluate the mixing of classes in Year 3/4. I am also looking to gather opinion on the presentation I will be using at the mixing of classes in Year 5/6 event on 24th May. I want to discuss school photographs and gather feedback on the Mile a Day initiative. If you are unable to make it and have an opinion the do let me know via email and I will make sure your contribution is added to the forum. You can find out more about our Parents’ Forum by clicking here.
Yours sincerely,
Adrian Nash