School Improvement
“Our vision is to create a school community where children dream, believe and achieve and are proud of their achievements…”
Self Evaluation
Rigorous self-evaluation lies at the heart of well managed and effective school improvement. It is based on evidence about the standards achieved by pupils, the quality of teaching and the effectiveness of leadership and management.
Raising standards of achievement and maintaining excellence requires school planning to deliver the changes in management and teaching which enable pupils to realise their potential fully. This is best done where the head teacher and governors set clear improvement targets as part of the annual cycle of planning and within a clear on-going strategic plan.
Draft Priorities for 2022-23 are:
1. To ensure writing is taught effectively across school. To further develop the teaching and assessment of GDS writing across school.
2. To further ensure that there is high-quality teaching embedded across school to improve pupil attainment.
3. To further develop leadership across the whole school to target the attainment of key groups. (PP, SEND and EAL)