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Home/School Agreement

Our Home / School Agreement was devised by a working party made up of pupils, parents, teachers and governors.  As a member of our school and part of the Round Hill community we are asking you to read this with your child and agree to this.  If you have any concerns, please get in touch with school.  Thank you in advance for your support. 

At Round Hill, our aim is to help our children achieve the highest standards in all areas of school life, in partnership with parents/carers, governors and other members of the community.




  • Work towards every child achieving his or her potential
  • Ensure each child is a valued member of the school community
  • Promote high standards of work and behaviour
  • Endeavour to build good relationships and develop a sense of responsibility
  • Ensure each child's entitlement and access to a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Set, mark and monitor classwork and homework in accordance with the school policies
  • Inform families of the broad curriculum areas to be covered each term and hold regular consultation evenings to discuss each child's progress
  • Let families know of concerns or problems that affect their child's work or behaviour (including punctuality and attendance)
  • Be available (by appointment) to discuss with parents/carers issues relating to their child's development
  • Encourage children to care for the environment


The school is obliged by law to produce a Home School Agreement.  We have tried to produce one that identifies our general aims and hope you will accept it as a guide to promoting mutual understanding and support.




  • Ensure their child arrives at and is collected (if necessary) from school on time
  • Ensure their child attends in appropriate school dress and with equipment needed for the day (reading folders, PE kit, etc)
  • Inform school of the reasons for any absence
  • Attend parent consultation evenings
  • Support the school and its policies
  • Support their child in their work at school and home (e.g. ensure they read regularly)




  • Attend school and be on time
  • Bring all the equipment they need every day
  • Follow the school's rules and treat others with respect
  • Do all their work to the best of their ability
  • Respect the environment and other people's belongings
  • Take any communications home promptly