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Optional Easter Holiday Fun Things to do

The holidays are here and the first thing you should be doing is having a rest and giving yourself a pat on the back for all of the things you have done over the last two weeks.  Your teacher has been looking at all of the work on your portfolios on ClassDojo - well done and keep it coming. 

Over Easter, teachers are not expected to look at ClassDojo, but you can still post and teachers will look them after the holidays. Maybe you could keep a diary of what you have been up to? 

If you would like something else to do, then there's loads of resources in this folder click here and a few ideas below:

English Activities

1) Easter and Spring themed reading comprehensions.

2) Easter and Spring themed word searches

3) Easter themed fine motor activities, working on pencil control and cutting skills.

Please see all necessary resources below.


Topic/ Purple mash activities

Enjoy exploring the Easter activities set up on Purple Mash over the break, be as creative as you can. Don't forget to challenge yourself, can you make any of the activities using pencils, paper and paints or other arts and crafts you may have access to at home.

1) Listen to the Easter story: Can you write/type a letter to your friend explaining what happened.

2) Design your own Easter egg. What flavours would you choose? Do you know why we have Easter egg?

3) Can you design your own Easter Egg hunt for the family? Draw a map to give some clues. Can you remember any of your map symbols? You might like to make up some new 'Easter' ones.

4) Easter Poster: Can you create a poster or a poem about Easter. Can you include any rhyming words?

5) Make a time capsule! You are living through one of the strangest times in modern history - you may want to tell future generations about it. There are some sheets attached here to get you thinking. 

6) Eat as much chocolate as you can!