Week beginning 13th July
Please choose one task from each subject per day. We would love to see what tasks your child has chosen to do at home, so please send these to your child's class teacher via Class Dojo.
There are also some fantastic daily lessons and activities on BBC Bitesize for all ages and subjects.
English Daily Tasks:
Please see the attachments below for this week's English daily tasks. We have also included a reading comprehension and some handwriting sheets for you to use to practise your spellings. You will also find some phonics activities to complete on Purple Mash.
Maths Daily Tasks:
This week we are going to revisit some work from earlier in the year on patterns. The format is looser than previous weeks as so many children have returned to school and we wanted things to feel flexible.
There are a range of activities and games to look at here, but also take a look at the weekly outline for more ideas. There are pattern activities to play on Purple Mash too. Have fun!
Topic tasks
This week in topic we are exploring art by David Hockney, making our own paint using food, herbs and household items and painting our own seasonal landscape pictures. There are also a range of activities planned on Purple Mash to enjoy and share on Class Dojo.