Week Beginning 13th July
Please see literacy plan below.
If you are in school for 2 days, please ONLY complete the Maths activities marked HOME. If you are not attending school at all, have a go at all the activities below.
HOME – Look at both of the Roman Numerals introduction powerpoints then complete Worksheet 1. Use the Roman Numerals help sheet (below) to support you.
HOME – Recap the Roman Numerals powerpoints and help sheet and complete worksheet 2. For an extra challenge, have a go at the Roman Numeral extension sheets.
HOME – Complete the My Maths Roman Numerals challenge.
SCHOOL – Look at the Step by Step instructions for spirolaterals. If you don’t have any squared paper, measure out each line with centimetres instead of squares.
SCHOOL – Look at the Investigating patterns sheet below and experiment with all the amazing patterns you can make starting with your times tables.
Topic - Home
For topic we would like you to go to Purple Mash to complete some work on 'Summer' and also an 'When I Grow Up' activity. You can find these activities on your '2dos'.