Homework 2024-2025
Year 5 / 6 pupils will have homework each week.
Year 5 and 6 Homework: |
Expectations and links: |
Reading |
Please hear your child read regularly, ideally every day. Please then write in their planner and teachers will sign planners each week. Your child will be awarded dojo points for reading at home. Please find a link below to a recommended reading list: https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/category/reading-lists-for-ks2-school-pupils/ |
Spelling |
Spelling sessions are timetabled throughout the week and ensure that the children have the opportunity to explore and apply the spelling pattern that they are learning. However, children are also able to access Spelling Bug interactive games at home to consolidate their learning. Logins for this can be found in planners. The year 5/6 statutory spellings are also shown below. These will be practised in school throughout the year but can also be used for additional practice at home. Please follow this link: ActiveLearn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk) There is also a word mat of 200 high frequency words if this is something you have been practising in class as an alternative to the spelling list. Pick the first ten to practise in the first week and replace any you get correct with the next word in the spelling list for the following week. |
CGP - Maths |
Children will be set a page/s in their CPG maths book each Friday. Children must bring their book in each Friday to be checked by their teacher. |
Times Tables |
Your child will have log in details for the Times Tables Rock Stars website where they can practise their times tables. We recommend they practise their times tables weekly. Please follow this link:Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com) |
CPG - Grammar |
Children will be set a page/s in their CPG book each Tuesday. Children must bring their book in each Tuesday to be checked by their teacher. |