My name is Miss Stanko and I am the Curriculum Leader for History. I have a particular passion for History as I love to travel and I am always fascinated to learn about the history of different places that I visit.
At Round Hill we provide the children with a challenging and engaging history curriculum that inspires curiosity and fascination. We want them to have a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Through studying a variety of historical periods and concepts, our pupils should develop a chronological narrative, from the earliest times to the present day. They should appreciate how people’s lives have shaped the nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
We love bringing learning from the past to life through a range of cross-curricular, interactive and experience-led learning. This includes specific historical theme days in each phase throughout the year:
- EYFS: Summer 1
- KS1: Summer 2
- Lower KS2: Spring 1
- Upper KS2: Autumn 1 - British Asian Cultural Day on Friday 14th October 2022. This will be celebrated through a mixture of historical/geographical and cultural activities.
We also provide an annual after school KS2 Humanities Club. This will be in the Spring or Summer term of 2023. The club is collaborative with a group of undergraduate trainee teachers from Nottingham Trent University, who are developing a 'humanities specialism' on their course. The club allows the children to experience a deeper exploration of the History topics that we are exploring throughout the year. For example, last year was the Romans and the changes of Britain from the Iron Age to the Stone Age.
We are always keen to find ways to enhance the learning experiences for the children, extend our community links and allow our wider school community to share their knowledge and experiences.
Please get in touch if History is an area of specialism or if you have any suggestions of ways to promote a love of History further.
For more information, please find below our History Policy, the progression of skills from EYFS through to Year 6 and more information about the KS2 Humanities Club. Please also check the school calendar for the specific historical theme days in each phase that the children will be partaking in.
Please also see below for a link to the blue plaques in and around Beeston to understand more about the local history of the area. This may be a lovely project for you to do with your child at home.